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We list here example projects within our four subject areas:
Mentor: Saurabh Jha
Project: Classification of Astronomical Transients with SALT
A major focus of contemporary astronomy is the time-domain: studying the chang-
ing sky. Large surveys aim to discover astronomical transients, including
especially exploding stars, i.e. supernovae, in nearby and distant galaxies. Of
particular interest are "type Ia" supernovae caused by the thermonuclear
explosions of white dwarfs; these are important cosmological distance
indicators used to measure the expansion rate and expansion history of the
Universe. Spectroscopic observation and classification of newly discovered
supernovae is a key step and enables understanding the physics of these
explosions. Rutgers has preferred access to the Southern African Large
Telescope (SALT), which excels at supernova spectroscopy. The REU student will
work with real-time astronomical data, planning SALT observations for
supernovae that have not been discovered yet, quickly obtaining and analyzing
the data, and publicly announcing the results. The most interesting targets
will be spectroscopically monitored to study supernova astrophysics.
Mentor: Ron Gilman
Project: Proton Radius Puzzle
The inconsistency of measurements of the proton radius measured with electrons
and muons is referred to as the proton radius puzzle. To gain insight into the
inconsistency, we are studying electron and muon scattering from protons. The
probabilities for these processes differ in a trivial way due to the different
masses of the particles, in a more interesting way that gives insight into the
structure of the proton through higher-order quantum mechanical corrections to
the scattering process, and most interestingly, if there is a breakdown in
lepton universality. Scattering data are being obtained through mid 2025. A
student working on this project can get involved in various analysis projects
commensurate with their interests.
Mentor: Amit Lath
Project: Research with the Compact Muon Solenoid Experiment at the
Large Hadron Collider
High energy particle physics is an exciting field, filled with many
yet-to-be-answered questions about the world around us. The world's highest
energy collider, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), collides protons at a high
energy and provides us with the tools to answer some of these questions.
State-of-the-art technology used by the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) detector at
the LHC plays a key role in this effort. The REU student working on this project
will have the opportunity to work on a range of possible searches for new
particles and new phenomena such as those predicted by supersymmetry in current
CMS data, and help design innovative new search techniques for the challenging
environment of the upcoming High-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC).
Mentor: Andrew Mastbaum
Project: Accelerator-based neutrino physics
Neutrinos are the most abundant massive fundamental particles in our universe,
but among the least understood. Measuring neutrino properties expands our
knowledge of matter's most fundamental constituents and may help explain the
very existence of our matter-filled universe. Our group is involved with an
array of experiments using particle accelerator-produced neutrino beams to
study the properties of neutrinos and their interactions with other matter,
including the Short-Baseline Neutrino Program hosted at Fermilab and DUNE.
Students working on this project will work with data from these detectors to
study neutrinos' interactions with matter and the implications for measuring
neutrino oscillations. Students will gain experience with neutrino physics and
particle detectors as well as data analysis techniques and software tools.
Mentor: Emanuel Diaconescu
Fourfold toric singularities and mirror symmetry
The overall goal of this project is to study the local infrared physics
associated to Calabi-Yau fourfold singularities via mirror symmetry for toric
varieties. The project will provide a practical introduction to toric geometry
and mirror symmetry through two-dimensional gauged linear sigma models. This
will be followed by more specific applications in the context of string and
M-theory compactifications.
Expected outcomes: the students will gain valuable working knowledge of low
dimensional quantum field theories, toric geometry and string compactifications
in a research environment.
Recommended background: an introductory course in quantum field theory,
including gauge theories, as well as an introductory course in algebraic
geometry at advanced undergraduate level.
Mentor: Shaowen Chen
Project: Characterizing topological states in van der Waals materials using atomic quantum defects
At the Q-SiM lab you will learn to use quantum information tools such as the
atomic defects in diamond, to reveal hidden physics in condensed matter systems
such as the van der Waals moiré materials. During this project you will gain
hands-on experience with experimental hardware, coding for measurement and data
analysis software, and build a strong foundation in quantum materials, and
hopefully have a lot of fun. Take part in learning more about quantum
Mentor: Weida Wu
Project: Exploring topological edge states in quantum materials
The focus of this research project is to explore the fascinating topological
edge states on single crystal surfaces of quantum materials with topological
electronic structures using low temperature scanning tunneling microscopy
(STM). The REU participant will participate the research activities including
sample preparation, data acquisition, data analysis, and modeling.
Last edited February 14, 2025.